INTRODUCTION It is my pleasure to introduce Paul Schumacher, Colorado author of the debut novel, The Tattered Box. I first met Paul a couple of years ago in a writing workshop sponsored by the Northern Colorado Writers and was moved by his heartfelt and poignant...
Book Review: The Tattered Box by Paul Schumacher Below is my Goodreads book review of The Tattered Box by Paul Schumacher, a Colorado author. The Tattered Box by Paul Schumacher My rating: 5 of 5 stars The Tattered Box by Paul Schumacher is a memorable coming of age story...
Myths of the Great Goddess teach compassion for all living beings. There you come to appreciate the real sanctity of the earth itself, because it is the body of the Goddess—Joseph Campbell IntroductionAs we continue exploring the mystique of the Ancient Celtic religion, we discover their...
Cities and Thrones and Powers Stand in Time’s eye, Almost as long as flowers, Which daily die, But, as new buds put forth To glad new men, Out of the spent and unconsidered Earth, The Cities rise again —Rudyard Kipling IntroductionJulius Caesar described some of the tribal...
One thing that comes out in myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light —Joseph Campbell Cunobelin Celtic...
In our sleep and in our dreams we pass through the whole thought of earlier humanity. The dream carries us back into earlier stages of human culture and affords us a means of understanding it better —Friedrich Neitzsche Celtic British KingsEven before Caesar’s invasions of Britannia...