21 Mar David Fitz-Gerald Waking Up Lost Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour #WakingUpLost #adirondackspiritseries #CoffeePotBookClub #BlogTour @AuthorDAVIDFG @maryanneyarde
It is my pleasure to welcome the featured author, David Fitz-Gerald, as part of The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour being held between January 25th – March 29th, 2022. David Fitz-Gerald is the author of the Historical Fantasy/Historical Fiction, Waking Up Lost – A Mystical Fantasy (The Adirondack Spirit Series), which was released by Outskirts Press on December 2021 (263 pages).
Below are highlights of Waking Up Lost – A Mystical Fantasy, David Fitz-Gerald’s bio, and a fascinating post on what inspired David to write his novel.
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Waking Up Lost – A Mystical Fantasy Adventure
(The Adirondack Spirit Series)
By David Fitz-Gerald
Traveling without warning. Nights lost to supernatural journeys. Is one young man fated to wander far from safety?
New York State, 1833. Noah Munch longs to fit in. Living with a mother who communes with ghosts and a brother with a knack for heroics, the seventeen-year-old wishes he were fearless enough to discover an extraordinary purpose of his own. But when he mysteriously awakens in the bedroom of the two beautiful daughters of the meanest man in town, he realizes his odd sleepwalking ability could potentially be deadly.
Convinced that leaving civilization is the only way to keep himself and others safe, Noah pursues his dream of becoming a mountain man and slips away into the primeval woods. But after a strong summer storm devastates his camp, the troubled lad finds his mystical wanderings have only just begun.
Can Noah find his place before he’s destroyed by a ruthless world?
Waking Up Lost is the immersive fourth book in the Adirondack Spirit Series of historical fiction. If you like coming-of-age adventures, magical realism, and stories of life on the American frontier, then you’ll love David Fitz-Gerald’s compelling chronicle.
Buy Waking Up Lost to map out destiny today!
Trigger Warnings:
Rape, torture, cruelty to animals, sex, violence.
Buy Links:
Available on #KindleUnlimited.
Universal Link ♦ Amazon UK ♦ Amazon US ♦ Amazon CA ♦ Amazon AU
David Fitz-Gerald writes fiction that is grounded in history and soars with the spirits. Dave enjoys getting lost in the settings he imagines and spending time with the characters he creates. Writing historical fiction is like making paintings of the past. He loves to weave fact and fiction together, stirring in action, adventure, romance, and a heavy dose of the supernatural with the hope of transporting the reader to another time and place. He is an Adirondack 46-er, which means he has hiked all of the highest peaks in New York State, so it should not be surprising when Dave attempts to glorify hikers as swashbuckling superheroes in his writing.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://authordavidfitzgerald.com/ also https://www.itsoag.com/
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by David Fitz-Gerald
I like to write fiction that is grounded in history and soars with the spirits. I use that phrase like a mission statement. My Adirondack Spirit Series is an epic, multi-generational family saga. Each book stands alone. What they have in common are ancestry, the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, surviving in nature, and supernatural tendencies that just seem to run in the family. The common ancestry includes the Native American people that inhabited New York state before colonization.
When I finished writing Wanders Far, I immediately began writing a book with the same characters, set a few years later. About twenty thousand words into that project, I found I was more drawn to the backstory, so I set that project aside. The backstory was one of an ancient ancestor who left a legacy in stone. When I finished writing She Sees Ghosts, I returned to the story I left behind because I felt compelled to breathe life into this ancient mason.
Waking Up Lost is part of the Adirondack Spirit Series, but despite its supernatural elements, this book is, first and foremost, a work of historical fiction. I took an elective class called The Novel as History when I was in high school, a long time ago. I loved that class, and I think it was my only “A” that year. Many years later, that inspiration has become a passion for writing historical fiction.
Maybe I’m gullible or highly open to suggestions. If there is a case to be made, I’m likely to believe. I am happy to entertain the possibilities, whether it is the Loch Ness Monster, aliens, Bigfoot, portals, ESP, or ghosts. In Waking Up Lost, you’ll find a character that discovers he possesses a myriad of uncanny abilities. This book is linked to its series mates by notions of reincarnation.
I find that the older I get, the more I believe in the possibility of supernatural phenomena. Perhaps it stems back to the belief that I saw a ghost―the ghost of my grandfather. He visited me in the 1980s, and I haven’t stopped thinking about that encounter after all of these years. It was just a moment. I don’t think he was expecting me to be in his study. It was a very peaceful visitation, yet it scared me to the core. I’m still not sure I’m open to being visited by spirits now, but I am always intrigued by supernatural and paranormal possibilities. Who says these concepts can’t stand alongside proven historical facts?
Some years ago, I read the book, Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife, by Richard Martini. The inspiration behind what happens to the characters in my books after they die, comes from this book. In Waking Up Lost, Noah goes through many difficult situations before discovering his connections to previous lifetimes near the end.
Waking Up Lost is the story of a young man raised by a single mother in a newly formed woodland town in 1833. One morning, he wakes up miles from home at an isolated lake where his mother met his father. A few nights later, he is transported in his sleep to the bedroom of the meanest man in town’s daughter. Another night, Noah awakens in a storm on the peak of a mountain. Just when Noah thinks that he has solved his problem, he awakens on a depraved scow, and its captain forces him to lead mules along the banks of the Erie Canal.
I love it when I’m working on a story. Usually, the inspiration for characters and storylines comes to me as I lie awake, getting ready to fall asleep. I often email myself, so I won’t forget when I wake up. As a writer, I always like to have a story percolating in my head. I think readers feel the same way. We always want to have a book that we’re in the process of reading.
What inspires me most as a writer is the hope of creating something that readers will love. When someone told me that I was her favorite author, I was blown away. Did you ever read a book that you couldn’t get off of your mind, even months after you were done reading it? I want to write books like that.
I think many people rediscovered reading as a cherished pastime activity during the pandemic. As life returns to “normal,” and people recommence their regular activities, I hope they will also continue to enjoy getting lost in fiction. When I think of all the books that have inspired me, it is hard to imagine what I would have missed if I hadn’t read them.
The Coffee Pot Book Club
Posted at 04:06h, 22 MarchThank you so much for hosting the blog tour for Waking Up Lost.
All the best,
Mary Anne
The Coffee Pot Book Club
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 21:27h, 24 MarchHi Mary Ann–It was a pleasure to host David Fitz-Gerald on his blog tour and to highlight his book, “Waking up Lost.”
Jan Sikes
Posted at 09:47h, 22 MarchWhat an interesting story premise! And the book cover is compelling. Thank you for sharing this new author, Linnea! Congrats to David!
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 21:29h, 24 MarchHi Jan–Thank you for dropping in and commenting. I agree the premise is fascinating, particularly the paranormal elements of the novel. It has been my pleasure to introduce David as a new author to you.
Posted at 23:01h, 26 MarchVery different plot and storyline. Sounds intriguing. Thank you for sharing, Linnea. I wish David all the best.
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 15:28h, 27 MarchHi Luciana–Thank you for dropping in and commenting about the storyline of Waking up Lost. It is a unique plot with paranormal elements. Hope you doing well, my friend.