04 May Love Mom Audiobook Giveaway @KathleenHarrym1 @KerrySchafer @linneatanner @sbuchbinder @aplazar @libraryoferana @CasiMcLean @petercbradbury @susankeene @UviPoznansky
MAY 9-10, 2024
A select group of authors has joined forces
To bring you amazing stories, beautifully narrated.
Looking for your new favorite story?
Join us as a GOING guest
In this Mother’s Day Facebook celebration
Invite your friends for a chance to win our audiobooks
Sharon Buchbinder
Award-winning novels with haunting tales of love, family secrets, forgiveness,
extraordinary abilities, truth, justice, and redemption
Linnea Tanner
“Epic Celtic Tales Weaving Forbidden Love, Sorcery, and Political Intrigue
in Ancient Rome and Britannia.”
Peter C. Bradbury
An English born author, whose novels are topical, edgy,
engrossing, and very entertaining.
Susan Keene
“I write so people can travel without leaving their homes.”
Kathleen Harryman
“Unlocking vivid images through the comprehension of words.”
Kerry Schafer
Using quirky characters in unusual settings and situations, Kerry weaves into her stories
elements of magical realism, fantasy, and paranormal.
Casi McLean
Escape into imagination … discover the magic of Casi McLean
Romantic suspense, time travel, mystery, thrillers.
Aaron Paul Lazar
“Addictive, award-winning fiction. You’ll fall in love with the characters
and love to hate the villains.”
Addison Michael
If you like complex heroines, paranormal twists and turns, and gripping suspense,
then you’ll love this mystery thriller series.”
A.L. Butcher
An award-winning author of alchemical dark fantasy, historical fantasy,
short stories and twisted verses.
Uvi Poznansky
“I paint with my pen and write with my paintbrush.”
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