30 Nov Book Spotlight The Captain’s Woman Holly Bush #HistoricalRomance #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @hollybushbooks @cathiedunn
I’m delighted to spotlight the Historical Romance, The Captain’s Woman (The Thompsons of Locust Street), by Holly Bush in The Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour being held on December 1st, 2022. The Captain’s Woman will be released by Holly Bush Books on January 10th, 2023 (218 pages).
Below are highlights of The Captain’s Woman on the Air and Holly Bush’s author bio.
To follow the blog tour, CLICK Blog Tour Schedule
The Captain’s Woman
(The Thompsons of Locust Street series)
by Holly Bush
Meet the Thompsons of Locust Street, an unconventional family taking Philadelphia high society by storm…
1870 ~ Muireall Thompson has taken her duties seriously since her parents died on the family’s crossing from Scotland to America in 1854. As the eldest sibling, their death made her responsible for her family and left little time for a life of her own. But now her brothers and sisters are adults; even the youngest is nearly ready to face the world on his own. What will she do when she is alone, other than care for an elderly aunt and volunteer at the Sisters of Charity orphanage? Has the chance for a husband and children of her own passed her by?
Widower Anthony Marcus, formerly a captain in the Union Army, is a man scraping the bottom of his dignity and hanging on to his honor by the barest thread. Reduced to doing odd jobs to keep a roof over his dear daughter Ann’s head, he often leaves her with the Sisters of Charity while he is out seeking steady work with a decent salary that will allow him to move from their single-room living quarters.
After an initial meeting that finds Muireall and Anthony at odds, a tentative friendship forms as they bond over their mutual affection for Ann. As friendship leads to passion, can a wealthy spinster and a poor soldier overcome their differences in station to forge a future together? Just as Muireall finds the courage to reach for her own happiness, Anthony’s past rises up between them and an old enemy reemerges to bring the Thompson family down once and for all. Will the divide between them be insurmountable, or can they put aside pride and doubt for a love worth fighting for?
Pre-order/Buy Links:
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Holly Bush writes historical romance set in the U.S.in the late 1800’s, in Victorian England, and an occasional Women’s Fiction title. Her books are described as emotional, with heartfelt, sexy romance. She makes her home with her husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Connect with Holly at www.hollybushbooks.com and on Twitter @hollybushbooks and on Facebook at Holly Bush.
Social Media Links:
Website ♥ Twitter ♥ Facebook ♥ Book Bub ♥ Amazon Author Page ♥ Goodreads
Cathie Dunn
Posted at 04:34h, 01 DecemberThank you so much for hosting Holly Bush with her new novel today.
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 14:42h, 02 DecemberHi Cathie–As always, it is a pleasure to introduce other talent authors.
Linda mims
Posted at 16:29h, 01 DecemberI used to read historical fiction all the time. This title sounds very tempting, Holly. Thank you for hosting, Linnea!
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 14:39h, 02 DecemberHi Linda–Thanks for dropping in on the blog tour and commenting. “The Captain’s Woman,” sounds like an intriguing romance of a couple who believe they can no longer find love. Best wishes on a happy holiday season.
Roberta Eaton Cheadle
Posted at 22:16h, 01 DecemberHi LInnea, this sounds like a lovely romance.
Linnea Tanner
Posted at 14:41h, 02 DecemberHi Robbie–Thank you for dropping in and commenting on “The Captain’s Woman.” I agree that it sounds like a heart-warming romance. Best wishes for a lovely holiday season.