20 Jan Blood Moon on the Horizon
Blood Moon on the Horizon
Greetings everyone. It’s time to celebrate the Blood Wolf Moon! Skies look clear in eastern Colorado. The eclipse of the moon will begin at 7:12 pm Rocky Mountain Standard time and the totality will occur at 10:12 .m. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the earth when it is aligns with the sun. Lunar eclipses have fascinated ancient cultures across the globe and have inspired myths and legends, many of which portray the event as an omen of a catastrophic event.

Lunar Eclipse Blood Wolf Moon
In ancient Mesopotamia, a lunar eclipse was considered a direct assault on the king. With the astrologers’ ability to predict an eclipse, the realm would substitute a proxy king for the duration of the eclipse. Ideally, someone expendable would pose as the monarch, while the real king waited in hiding for the eclipse to pass. The proxy king would then conveniently be killed and the old king reinstated once the eclipse passed.
The lunar eclipse inspired scenes in Dagger’s Destiny (Book 2: Curse of Clansmen and Kings). The mystical blood moon sets the stage for the destruction of the Celtic Cantiaci Kingdom in Britannia as foretold in an ancient curse. The final battle between King Amren and his son, known as Blood Wolf, takes place in the midst of a solar eclipse. One of the final changes I had to make to the novel is the timing of the solar eclipse. It has to occur at the new moon, two weeks after the full blood moon passes.
Even in historical fantasy, an author needs to follow the rules of nature. Enjoy the phenomena that has intrigued us all throughout history.
Thank you for your continued support!
Best wishes,
Linnea Tanner
Linnea Tanner, Author, Curse of Clansmen and Kings Series
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