It is my honor to reblog my author interview that Ryanne Glenn posted on her website on September 14, 2018. It has been a pleasure to know Ryanne as an author and colleague. Ryanne is a debut author who will be releasing her YA Fantasy, Descent of Shadows, in December 2018.
The interview with Ryanne Glenn provided me an opportunity to share my inspiration as a writer and the vision of the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series. Be sure to check her website and learn more about her.
September 14, 2018
by Ryanne Glenn
Author Interview: Linnea Tanner
In anticipation of the release of her second book, Dagger’s Destiny, I interviewed Colorado author, Linnea Tanner!

Headshot Linnea Tanner
- How long have you been writing?
I developed the basic plot and started diligently writing my series, now entitled Curse of Clansmen and Kings, in 2010. Since then, I’ve expanded the plot of the series so it starts earlier and explores the Celtic culture and beliefs.
- Why did you start writing in the first place?
My dream has always been to be a writer, but I postponed my passion until later in life. Even so, I always conjured stories in my mind to help me maneuver through difficult times in my own life.
- Why did you choose to self-publish?
The publishing world has changed dramatically from 2010. I initially pitched to agents and received valuable feedback. However, the chances for a debut author to publish traditionally diminished as the world of Amazon Kindle opened the doors to self-publish after 2010. Science fiction authors such as Hugh Howie (Wool) and Andy Weir (The Martian) self-published and later negotiated their book rights with major publishers and movie producers.
Since I believed my series, Curse of Clansmen and Kings, would entertain and inform readers of ancient civilizations and mythology, I decided to publish independently and to learn how to acquire the necessary resources to format and to sell my books. To create books which appear as professional as traditional publishers, I relied on outside services for editing, formatting print and digital books, narration audiobooks, and design of the book covers. Nonetheless, I still leave the door open for traditional publishing if the opportunity arises and it makes sense to go this route.
- How has writing changed your life?
Writing has given me an outlet to expand my world and to explore my emotions which are universally true for everyone. I’ve gained new friendships with authors and readers from around the world who share my love of mythology and ancient civilizations. Writing connects me to others in meaningful ways.
- Your fantasy series, Curse of Clansman and Kings, is heavy with history from both Rome and Britannia. Where did you learn your history from?
Since childhood, I’ve been fascinated with ancient Roman history and am an avid reader of non-fiction, historical books. However, it became clear that ancient written accounts were often biased and politically driven. The major challenge in researching the ancient Celts in Britannia is they left almost no written records. Historical events have to be supplanted by Greek and Roman historians. For example, one of the best-known accounts of Celts was written by Julius Caesar, a Roman commander who decimated the Celtic population in his conquests. Medieval writers, often monks, interweaved Celtic mythology with their Christian beliefs.
I also relied heavily on archaeological evidence which might provide a different theory on how events unrolled versus historical accounts. Archaeological evidence now supports the invasion of Britannia by the Roman Emperor Claudius in 43 AD was nothing more than a peacekeeping mission to halt the expansion of anti-Roman rebels. There was likely a Roman military presence in Britannia for several decades prior to Claudius’ invasion to protect trading routes. The setting for the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series is based on this theory.
Finally, I’ve extensively traveled to the United Kingdom and other European archaeological sites described in my series to explore the area and weather. I’ve extensively hiked the Dover Cliffs where Book 1: Apollo’s Raven begins.
- What made you focus on Celtic mythology in your books?
My initial vision was to write a straight-forward historical fiction without weaving Celtic mythology in the storyline. However, the only way I could understand the Celtic mindset and culture was through their mythology. The Irish myths were most fascinating as powerful goddesses and women drove the stories and often determined the fates of heroes. Warrior queens led armies and seduced men they deemed fit to be their kings.
The primary protagonist in the series is Catrin. She is based on the archetypes of ancient Celtic goddesses whose functions embrace the entire religious spectrum from healing to warfare, from creation to destruction, and from nourishment to the Otherworld of the dead. Catrin derives her mystical powers from her dual nature of absolute love and loyalty for those she loves which are countered by destruction and vengeance on those who have wronged her or those she loves.
- What is your favorite thing about writing historical fantasy?
I love weaving Celtic fantasy into actual historical events to create a mythical tale similar to the legends of King Arthur which took place about 500 AD.
- What can you say about your new book, Dagger’s Destiny?
The story of Catrin and Marcellus that begins with Book 1: Apollo’s Ravenin the series continues in Book 2: Dagger’s Destiny.
War looms over 24 AD Britannia where rival tribal rulers fight each other for power and the Romans threaten to invade to settle their political differences. King Amren accuses his daughter, Catrin, of treason for aiding her Roman lover, Marcellus. The ultimate punishment is death unless she can redeem herself. She must forsake Marcellus and prove loyalty to her father by defending his kingdom. Forged into a warrior, she must make the right choices on her quest to break the curse that foretells her banished half-brother and the Roman Empire will destroy their kingdom.
Yet, when Catrin again reunites with Marcellus, she is torn between her love for him and duty to her father and people. She must ultimately face her greatest challenger who could destroy her life, freedom, and humanity.
- What does the future of your series look like?
I envision Curse of Clansmen and Kings to be a 5-book series that will take Catrin back and forth between her homeland, Britannia, and Rome in the span of 24 AD to 40 AD, just before Claudius’ invasion. To fulfill her destiny as a warrior queen, she must make difficult decisions and sacrifices to assure those she loves and her people survive. Each book will have a unique theme as Catrin matures and learns to balance her dual nature of love and loyalty with the destructive forces of the Ancient Druids to rule as a warrior queen. Absolute love for Marcellus will be a positive force that will compel her to balance her diverse destinies as a warrior queen, wife, and mother. I hope readers will join Catrin on her mythological journey from adolescence to adulthood.
- Anything else you’d like your readers to know about you or your series?
An area which I would like to explore is how modern-day women can learn from the diverse archetypes of Celtic goddesses who embrace the entire spiritual spectrum from healing to warfare, from creation to destruction, and from nourishment to the Otherworld of the dead. Ancient Celtic traditions and mythology can be used as a way for women today to understand how they can embrace their complex but equal roles in society, marriage, and friendships as positive forces to help them understand how they can fulfill their destinies. Starting in September, I will blog posts about female archetypes which I hope readers will actively interact with their viewpoints.
The Curse of Clansmen and Kings series is envisioned to be 5-book series with the following titles.
- Book 1: Apollo’s Raven (published April 2017)
- Book 2: Dagger’s Destiny (Release on September 26, 2018)
- Book 3: Amulet’s Rapture (Coming 2019)
- Book 4: Skulls’ Vengeance (Anticipate 2020)
- Book 5: Raven’s Sacrifice (Conclude in 2021)
Pre-order Dagger’s Destiny:
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For the original interview, click on Author Interview: Linnea Tanner
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