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Linnea Tanner

Weaving Historical Fiction into Ancient Celtic Tales of Love, Magic and Adventure

Weaving Historical Fiction into Ancient Celtic Tales of Love, Magic and Adventure

Weaving Historical Fiction into Ancient Celtic Tales of Love, Magic and Adventure

Meet the Author

Linnea Tanner

Welcome to the website for Linnea Tanner, Author of the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series. The epic Celtic tale weaves forbidden love, magical adventure, and political intrigue into the backdrop of 1st Century Ancient Rome and Britannia. The series is inspired by Arthurian legends and the legacy of Cleopatra and Mark Antony. To learn more about the Curse of Clansmen and Kings seriesclick here.


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Explore the historical accounts, mythology, and archaeological findings of ancient civilizations in Linnea’s blog, which provides the research she has done to support the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series.

Linnea’s Books: Curse of Clansmen and Kings Series

The Curse of Clansmen and Kings series is an epic historical history weaving in Celtic tales of forbidden love, magical adventure, and political intrigue. It is a tale of two star-crossed lovers from vastly different cultures—Catrin, a Celtic warrior princess, and Marcellus, the great-grandson of Mark Antony.


The story weaves both Celtic and Roman mythology into the historical backdrop of Ancient Britain and Rome, spanning from 24 AD when the young couple first meet to 40 AD, just prior to the Roman Emperor Claudius’ invasion.

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